
How To Change Timestamp Time On Firestore To Local Time

Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32

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arduino-library-badge PlatformIO

This library supports ESP8266 and ESP32 MCU from Espressif. The following are platforms in which the libraries are also available (RTDB only).

  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 and Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2

  • Arduino WiFi Shield 101 and Arduino MKR1000 WIFI

Other Arduino devices supported using external Clients.

Since version three.0.0, library allows you to use external Arduino Clients network interfaces east.thousand. WiFiClient, EthernetClient and GSMClient, the Arduino supported devices that have enough flash size (> 128k) and retentivity can now employ this library.

To employ external Client, see the ExternalClient examples.

The authentication with OAuth2.0 and custom auth tokens, RTDB error queue and downloadFileOTA features are not supported for other Arduino devices using external Clients.

The flash and SD filesystems supports depend on the devices and 3rd party filesystems libraries installed.

Tested Devices

This following devices were tested.

  • Sparkfun ESP32 Thing
  • NodeMCU-32
  • TTGO T8 V1.8
  • M5Stack ESP32
  • NodeMCU ESP8266
  • Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266)
  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
  • LAN8720 Ethernet PHY
  • ENC28J60 SPI Ethernet module

Supposted Arduino Devices with flash size > 128k, using custom Clients.

  • ESP32
  • ESP8266
  • Arduino SAMD
  • Arduino STM32
  • Arduino AVR
  • Teensy 3.1 to
  • Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
  • Raspberry Pi Pico


  • Supports Firebase Realtime database.

  • Supports Deject Firestore database.

  • Supports Firebase Storage.

  • Supports Google Deject Storage.

  • Supports Firebase Cloud Messaging

  • Supports Test Mode (No Auth)

  • Supports Firmware OTA updates via RTDB, Firebase Storage and Google Cloud Storage

  • Supports Cloud Functions for Firebase

  • Congenital-in JSON editor and deserializer.

  • Supports external Heap via SRAM/PSRAM in ESP8266 and ESP32.

  • Supports ethernet in ESP32 using LAN8720, TLK110 and IP101 Ethernet modules and ESP8266 using ENC28J60, W5100 and W5500 Ethernet modules.


This library required ESP8266 or ESP32 Core SDK.

For Arduino IDE, ESP8266 Cadre SDK can be installed through Boards Managing director.

For PlatfoemIO IDE, ESP8266 Core SDK can exist installed through PIO Home > Platforms > Espressif 8266 or Espressif 32.

Migrate from Firebase-ESP8266 or Firebase-ESP32 to Firebase-ESP-Customer

All part for Realtime database betwixt these libraries are compattible. Run into this guide for migrating.


Using Library Manager

At Arduino IDE, go to menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...

In Library Director Window, search "firebase" in the search form then select "Firebase ESP Client".

Click "Install" button.

For PlatformIO IDE, using the post-obit command.

pio lib install "Firebase ESP Client""

Or at PIO Home -> Library -> Registry then search Firebase ESP Client.

If you lot ever installed this library in Global storage in PlatformIO version prior to v2.0.0 and yous have updated the PlatformIO to v2.0.0 and afterwards, the global library installation was not available, the sources files of old library version still be able to search by the library dependency finder (LDF), you lot needed to remove the library from folder C:\Users\<UserName>\.platformio\lib to preclude unexpected behavior when compile and run.

Manual installation

For Arduino IDE, download nothing file from the repository (Github page) by select Code dropdown at the top of repository, select Download Zip

From Arduino IDE, select menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library....

Choose Firebase-ESP-Client-main.cipher that previously downloaded.

Rename Firebase-ESP-Client-main folder to Firebase_Arduino_Client_Library_for_ESP8266_and_ESP32.

Become to menu Files -> Examples -> Firebase-ESP-Customer-primary and choose ane from examples.

Of import Note for Manual Installation in Arduino IDE

Binder renaming to Firebase_Arduino_Client_Library_for_ESP8266_and_ESP32 was required for making the library can be updated via Library Manager without problems.

Without folder renaming, when y'all update the library via Library Director, library will exist updated to the another folder named Firebase_Arduino_Client_Library_for_ESP8266_and_ESP32 which leads to compilation mistake when there are two different versions of library found in the libraries folder and can cause the conflicts when file structures and functions changed in the newer version.

For instance, the library version 2.7.7 and earlier were installed manually past downloading ZIP file and extracted to Firebase-ESP-Client-main folder. If the library was later updated to v2.8.2 and newer via Library Manager, the compilation error will have place because the newer version files structures and functions inverse and compiler is trying to compile these two versions of source files together.

In this case, you need to delete Firebase-ESP-Client-main binder from libraries folder.


See all examples for complete usages.

Meet function description for all available functions.


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