
Can You Change The Difficulty In The Middle Of A Game In Civ 5

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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.3) of the game.

Game Settings are the diverse changes that the thespian can brand earlier starting a single player or multiplayer game. These settings can be used to make game sessions shorter or longer, simpler or more complex, also as to increase the difficulty if desired.

Galaxy [edit | edit source]

When starting a new game, the role player may choose which type of galaxy they are to play in. An empire's expansion is limited to the galactic plane, so the shape of the galaxy will affect play. Which galaxy types are accessible at the start of the game is determined by how many stars the galaxy is to accept.

Galaxy shape [edit | edit source]

There are 3 dissimilar types of galaxies bachelor, with 2 variants of the screw galaxy for a full of 4 possible milky way shape options.

Blazon Min Galaxy Size Description
Elliptical.png Elliptical Tiny Elliptical galaxies have the stars placed in a oblong pattern, resulting in an evenly distributed geography. Expansion is more often than not unhindered. It is also the Default map.
Spiral 2.png Spiral  (2 arms) Small Spiral galaxies have the stars placed in arms that extend out in a spiral pattern. A spiral galaxy provides an interesting geography equally the galactic artillery are sparsely continued to each other.
Spiral 4.png Spiral  (iv arms) Medium
Ring Galaxy.png Ring Tiny Ring galaxies take the stars placed in a ring shape around the galactic cadre, making it easier to cut other empires off from the rest of the milky way than it is with any other shape. Expansion is limited to a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. An inner ring surrounds the galactic core

Milky way size [edit | edit source]

In add-on to the galaxy shape, the size of the milky way can likewise exist chosen at the start of the game, ranging from 200 to 1000 stars. The size of the galaxy affects the number of stars, as well every bit how many AI Empires, Fallen Empires and Apocalypse.png Marauder Empires can be generated at the start of the game.

Size Stars Maximum AI empires Maximum fallen empires Apocalypse.png Maximum marauder empires Radius
Tiny 200 half dozen ane 1 200
Small 400 12 2 two 300
Medium 600 eighteen three two 400
Large 800 24 iv three 450
Huge 1000 30 5 3 450

Game Details [edit | edit source]

Advanced Empires [edit | edit source]

Advanced empires are AI empires that start with an advantage over human players. They become the following benefits to have a head offset:

Game Phases [edit | edit source]

The following events take place after Mid-Game:

The following events take place after End-Game

Difficulty [edit | edit source]

Increases the difficulty of the game for a greater challenge, with college difficulties granting bonuses to AI empires. Higher difficulty also increases the strength of the endgame crisis. Vassals of homo players do not gain difficulty bonuses. In improver to the bonuses specified below, the AI gains a small boost to send speed, warp speed, and evasion bonuses.

Scaling Difficulty causes the AI (or human) empires and spaceborne aliens difficulty bonuses to start at zero and calibration upwards over the form of the game, reaching the bonus defined past difficulty level at the Terminate-Game yr.

Difficulty AI bonuses Spaceborne aliens bonuses Endgame crisis bonuses Guardian bonuses Role player bonuses
Cadet None None None None
  • Mod pop resource output.png +50% Resources from jobs and stations
  • Mod navy size add.png +50% Naval capacity
  • Stability.png +10 Stability
  • Trade value.png +l% Trade Value
Ensign None
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +xxx% Weapons harm
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +thirty% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +30% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +xxx% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +90% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +90% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +90% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +90% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +15% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +15% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +15% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +15% Shields
  • Mod pop resource output.png +25% Resources from jobs and stations
  • Mod navy size add.png +15% Naval capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult.png −10% Ship budget
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult.png −10% Starbase shipyard cost
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult.png −25% Resettlement toll
  • Stability.png +5 Stability
  • Trade value.png +25% Merchandise Value
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +35% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +35% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +35% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +35% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +105% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +105% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +105% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +105% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +17.5% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +17.5% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +17.5% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +17.five% Shields
  • Mod pop resource output.png +l% Resources from jobs and stations
  • Mod navy size add.png +xxx% Naval capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult.png −20% Ship Budget
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult.png −xx% Starbase shipyard cost
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult.png −50% Resettlement cost
  • Stability.png +10 Stability
  • Trade value.png +fifty% Merchandise Value
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +forty% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +forty% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +40% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +xl% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +120% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +120% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +120% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +120% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +20% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +20% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +20% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +20% Shields
  • Mod pop resource output.png +75% Resources from jobs and stations
  • Mod navy size add.png +45% Naval capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult.png −30% Send upkeep
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult.png −thirty% Starbase shipyard cost
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult.png −75% Resettlement cost
  • Stability.png +15 Stability
  • Trade value.png +75% Trade Value
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +45% Weapons harm
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +45% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +45% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +45% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +135% Weapons impairment
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +135% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +135% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +135% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +22.5% Weapons harm
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +22.five% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +22.v% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +22.5% Shields
K Admiral
  • Mod pop resource output.png +100% Resources from jobs and stations
  • Mod navy size add.png +60% Naval capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult.png −40% Ship budget
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult.png −40% Starbase shipyard cost
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult.png −100% Resettlement cost
  • Stability.png +20 Stability
  • Trade value.png +100% Trade Value
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +l% Weapons damage
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +fifty% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +50% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +50% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +150% Weapons impairment
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +150% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +150% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +150% Shields
  • Mod ship weapon damage.png +25% Weapons harm
  • Mod ship hull mult.png +25% Hull
  • Mod ship armor mult.png +25% Armor
  • Mod ship shield hp mult.png +25% Shields

Ironman Mode [edit | edit source]

Ironman is an optional game mode that restricts the histrion'southward command over their salve file, effectively removing the ability to correct mistakes and change decisions made during the course of play. Under Ironman Mode saving manually is disabled and the game runs on a single save file that gets overwritten every fourth dimension a significant action is taken. Console commands are too disabled.

Enabling Ironman Style requires the Autosave to Cloud option to be enabled in the Settings menu, which also requires the user to be logged into Steam and Steam Cloud to be enabled for the game in the Steam Library (Stellaris/Properties/Updates). This also requires that "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for applications which support it" is enabled in the Steam settings (Steam/Settings/Cloud).

Achievements tin can only be unlocked in ironman mode. If the checksum is modified by the presence of gameplay mods Ironman Mode will not grant achievements.

References [edit | edit source]


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